Sunday, January 13, 2013

We are having a.......

So I finally convinced Nate to go to Fetal Studio to find out what we are having. It took some convincing but once he agreed to it he wanted to go that second. We went on Saturday January 12th, 2013 to find out. Our appointment was at 11:30 AM and I haven't seen Nate more anxious then when we were waiting, he couldn't sit still he kept getting up from the couch and walking around I told him to relax and he said," I just want to know so bad now."

Once it was our turn Nate walked back there so fast he was ready. The doctor spoke Russian and so they spoke it for a bit but after that Nate wanted to get down to business and find out what we were having. The doctor was showing us the baby and how it was very active it wouldn't hold still, sucking its thumb, opening its mouth, kicking and moving its arms and legs. It is crazy that it is so active yet I have no idea because I haven't felt it move yet.

 Here is a picture of the baby at 14 weeks

After a few more pictures he said our you ready to find out what you are having? Umm yes this is what we came here for. I asked him how positive he was and he said 300%!

So we are having a GIRL!!!! The Goodfellow Streak continues we will have 4 new baby girls in 2013 due March, April, May, and July. Nate and I are both really excited! It is nice to know what "IT" is now we can call "IT" a HER. Now I get to think about how I want to decorate her nursery.

After we found out what we were having we bought her first dress.

We didn't tell anyone we were going because we wanted it to be a surprise that we were finding out. So we took the dress to my Mom's house and I asked here what she thought about it. She got a smirk on her face and said, " Are you trying to tell me something? Are you having a girl?" I said, "Yes we went to Fetal Studios to find out. She is really excited for us. After that we went to tell Nate's Mom we did the same thing. After we told our mom's we called all of our siblings to let them know. Now the months just need to fly by so that we can meet all these girls.

 I am sure you are wanting a updated picture of my belly. Here I am at 14 weeks I will continue to post pictures as I am sure in the next few weeks it is really going to pop out.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! that is so exciting! Little girls are the best. -Christy
